Thursday, July 19, 2012

you didn't really think i was done, now, DID YOU?!?!?

well, i'm back in there.
i took a solid 3 month break from any dojo, concentrating on home life, kids doing baseball, etc. which i loved .
and at the same time.... it KILLED me.
i missed it more than i would have ever imagined.
my main concern was not gaining a shit load of weight, so i had to concentrate on my diet alot.
over that 3 month period, i gained 5 #.
that is a # that i am very proud of , because to go from the most active, workout oriented phase of my life like my black belt bootcamp, to going into hibernation for the longest chunk of time since i started 5 years ago,,,,
it would have been able to slip into ALOT of my old bad habits...
but i guess, i am more of a martial artist than i give myself credit for sometimes.
i worked my kettle bells, and skipped rope, and basically... not much more.
i did go to the dojo about maybe 6 times over that period, and was amazed at how bad my cardio got.
i'm back.
i've worked those 5 # off and then some, so im technically in the best shape ever now.
im back to at least twice a week , with sparring twice a week as well, and i am going to sprinkle the BJJ in when time will make it ok.
i know BJJ was going to be my focus, but i was wrong. im still too addicted to Muay Thai , and i do not, and with 4 kids, will never , have the time to dedicate myself properly to both.
but i will dabble.

upon my return,
my cario was bad, but my strength was improved.... and my timing was not as bad as i would have feared in sparring.
right now, i am back to 110% on my cardio,
110% on my timing,
and im feeling very strong and very confident as i move forward.

i am doing resistance training nightly with power bands.
ive been doing this for a week straight now, am enjoying it, and also feeling the benefits of it already.
i have a pretty good routine worked out, concentrating on my shoulders, back,biceps, triceps, lats, and thighs.
i am doing high reps with very fast/explosive motions, with very little rest in between, ( i am beginning to incorporate the kettlebell work as the down time, and am finding that i like this tweak )...
my goals in working with the bands are 3 fold:
1: explosive power
2: fighting muscle fatigue/ endurance
3: definition

when i get some mats for the barn, i will move these workouts out there, and mix in the jump rope, sledgehammer, and eliptical,

so there we go..!
im back, i feel great, and am looking forward to not only staying in shape, but getting better and stronger.

see you in the dojo.

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