Friday, July 12, 2019

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Monday, June 3, 2013

took me a while to figure out my passwords for here. woo!

my kids think im weird :)
its been awhile since i last posted here.
the family is doing great, all 4 boys are getting big, Jaiden got his black belt, in impressive fashion to be honest if i do say so myself.
i have once again , taken training off through the kids' baseball season, with only the occasional opportunity to train at ABD.... and i think thats fine.
i have had an AWESOME time watching my guys play ball, and that includes Sky chasing butterflies on the T ball field.
both Jaiden and Coop moved up to higher leagues this year, and did awesome, and i will always say that they owe ALOT to martial arts....
strength coodination, focus.... tell me they aren't having an advantage over the other kids, and i will tell you you're full of it.
the boys ( Coop and Jaiden ) have both taken the season off from the dojo, the juggling act is unreal on Rach and myself, baseball at least one place every day except for sunday for 2 1/2 months.
i use it as a good example of how martial arts is always going to be there for them, and how they can use it as a tool to excel in other areas of their lives....
a good lesson for such a young age.
as for me, i fell off on my eating habits a bit , and started gaining weight...i was talking to a parent at a game one day, and he told me how he went paleo for a month ( a challenge at his cross fit ) and had good results,,,, so i blindly jumped right in for my own 30 days.
the diet has given me good results as far as dropping a bunch of weight pretty quick (this is day 21, i dropped 24 lbs) so im happy with that.
the problem i had was headaches,, which have just finally stopped. i never get headaches , so daily headaches had me questioning myself on this diet, and became a real test mentally.i lost ALL my strength, ALL my cardio. this diet cuts out ALL dairy and ALL carbs, and switches your body from burning SUGAR to burning FAT. hence the quick weight drop.... and i was not drinking nearly enough water. i went and trained at ABD colchester on a saturday ( day 12 on this diet ) and i had nothing. nada.
zip. zilch. 
somewhere around day 17 i started to feel REAL good, and now ive been working out in the woods caveman style. mixing in the heavy bag, and im confident that when i get back in the dojo,im going to hit it hard.
after day 32 of this diet, i  am going to tweak the diet a bit but remain 90% paleo, with a reintroduction of certain things in very limited quantities,.( whole grain bread, and Raw milk from cows in my hometown).....i cannot recommend hitting farmers markets enough.
i bought some grass fed skirt steaks from a local farm that was most likely the best , most flavorful , tender cut of meat ive ever had, no bullshit. the cows are happy, not fed a bunch of chemically treated who knows what... and the quality of meat is UN REAL.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

bootcamp from the other side of the fence

saturday october 6th marked the 1st day of Jaidens very own Black Belt Bootcamp.
having recently gone through it myself, i had a huge combination of feelings as he ventured into Master McPains dungeon of enlightenment for his 3 month long test, but mostly, i felt excitement and nervousness for him.
i was excited because, honestly, Jaiden is a far better martial artist than myself, already.
he went from a shy, quiet, clumsy,misbehaving at times ( what kid isn't, right?)  5 year old when he started,
to a confident, strong, usually graceful LEADER who still misbehaves from time to time.... ( what kid doesnt, right?)
... in a very short/long 6 years.
Jaiden has never been afraid to put the work in to make himself better. 
on any level. 
Jaiden LIVES by the code of practice makes perfect, in everything he does.
not only in martial arts, but in drawing, in baseball, in everything.
i bring this up, because over the last 3 weeks i have seen something in Jaiden that i wish that i had in myself.
his ability to open his mind up to constructive critcism, and then make changes in his actions almost immediatley to show results in an amazingly short period of time, blows me away.
i am not saying that he has anything down perfect..... hes not even close to that, and i think he understands that he NEVER WILL BE..... but he consciously can remember small details and put them into motion much better and more freely than i ever could.
and he doesnt beat himself up over it.
i'm a little jealous of that and i'm not afraid to admit it.
in the 3 weeks of bootcamp that i have been lucky enough to attend with him so far, i have seen a huge willingness to learn, a sense of self pride that comes along with carrying the torch for all future black-belts in his Dojo ( Jaiden, if he passes, will be the first non-adult to reach the rank of BlackBelt in MR Hessers school, ABD COLCHESTER), as well as a little bit of bravery to top it off. 
with martial arts being about small change over time, i can't wait to see where he is when this awesome experience is over for him....
now ask me which is harder, being the one doing boot camp, or being the one watching his kid do bootcamp.....

Thursday, July 19, 2012

you didn't really think i was done, now, DID YOU?!?!?

well, i'm back in there.
i took a solid 3 month break from any dojo, concentrating on home life, kids doing baseball, etc. which i loved .
and at the same time.... it KILLED me.
i missed it more than i would have ever imagined.
my main concern was not gaining a shit load of weight, so i had to concentrate on my diet alot.
over that 3 month period, i gained 5 #.
that is a # that i am very proud of , because to go from the most active, workout oriented phase of my life like my black belt bootcamp, to going into hibernation for the longest chunk of time since i started 5 years ago,,,,
it would have been able to slip into ALOT of my old bad habits...
but i guess, i am more of a martial artist than i give myself credit for sometimes.
i worked my kettle bells, and skipped rope, and basically... not much more.
i did go to the dojo about maybe 6 times over that period, and was amazed at how bad my cardio got.
i'm back.
i've worked those 5 # off and then some, so im technically in the best shape ever now.
im back to at least twice a week , with sparring twice a week as well, and i am going to sprinkle the BJJ in when time will make it ok.
i know BJJ was going to be my focus, but i was wrong. im still too addicted to Muay Thai , and i do not, and with 4 kids, will never , have the time to dedicate myself properly to both.
but i will dabble.

upon my return,
my cario was bad, but my strength was improved.... and my timing was not as bad as i would have feared in sparring.
right now, i am back to 110% on my cardio,
110% on my timing,
and im feeling very strong and very confident as i move forward.

i am doing resistance training nightly with power bands.
ive been doing this for a week straight now, am enjoying it, and also feeling the benefits of it already.
i have a pretty good routine worked out, concentrating on my shoulders, back,biceps, triceps, lats, and thighs.
i am doing high reps with very fast/explosive motions, with very little rest in between, ( i am beginning to incorporate the kettlebell work as the down time, and am finding that i like this tweak )...
my goals in working with the bands are 3 fold:
1: explosive power
2: fighting muscle fatigue/ endurance
3: definition

when i get some mats for the barn, i will move these workouts out there, and mix in the jump rope, sledgehammer, and eliptical,

so there we go..!
im back, i feel great, and am looking forward to not only staying in shape, but getting better and stronger.

see you in the dojo.